Will Parry

PhD, MSc, BEng (hons.)

I am a British social scientist, statistician and data scientist with over 18 years’ experience in research and consultancy.

I work as a freelance consultant for a variety of clients including government departments, the NHS, academia, research consultancies, think tanks, charities, the voluntary sector, and others in the UK and Europe.

I am keen on all things scientific and regard myself a ‘skeptic with a k’. I have previously taught statistical and survey methods, software skills for data analysis, critical thinking skills and the scientific method.


Institute of Education, UCL | London, UK
PhD Quantitative Social Science | 2015

London School of Economics | London, UK
MSc Social Research Methods | 2008

University of Bath | Bath, UK
BEng (hons.) Materials Science & Engineering | 2002


  • Rstats programming
  • BI & data viz
  • Quasi-experiments
  • Policy evaluation
  • Statistical modelling
  • Shiny app development
  • RAP pipelines
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